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Top 10 Mistakes You're Making With Your Flat Iron

#1 You Don’t Use Conditioner Start using conditioner. When taking a bath, apply conditioner at the bottom of your hair and leave it for 2-3 minutes( as required). There are different conditioners but the main goal is to protect your hair, revive your hair and give you a healthy and glowy look. #2 You Don’t Pre-Treat Your Hair One more step before straightening your hair is applying thermal protectant spray on wet hair, it works as a shield against the heat that comes from the iron. Maintain your hair healthy and hydrated! Don’t go too low and don;t go too high. Just because you iron can go up to 400 degrees it doesn’t mean you should select it. And on the other side if you go too low on temperature you risk having to straighten sections over and over again. #3 STOP! Don’t do it, your hair should be completely dry when ironing, otherwise it will burn. Your hair won’t get straight and you risk damaging it big time. Blow dry your hair first, no matter in what hurry you are. #4 You Don’t Section Your Hair Whether blow drying or ironing an important step is sectioning your hair, so that the heat penetrates the hair. If the layers are too thick your hair will go back curly in no time. Be patient. #5 You Don’t Clean Your Flat Iron Many of you don’t know that flat irons need to be cleaned. Where do you think all the buildup, oil, and dust goes? When the flat iron is cooled, using warm water or alcohol gently scrub the plates of the iron. #6 You Don’t Use Ceramic Iron If you want to protect your hair as much as you can then use ceramic iron. The heat spreads evenly and it causes less split ends and less damage to your precious hair. As said above cheaper straightening irons are metal coated in ceramic, so don’t be fooled. #7 You Ignore Its Double-Duty Potential Don’t offend the all-mighty iron. Use it to smooth edges, wrinkly seams, uneven collars. And like every other ion don’t clamp down too long, it still can burn your clothes. #8 You Use It Too Often Ironing your hair every day is not healthy at all. Your hair will loose its vitamins and will become damaged. Try to calm the iron addiction of yours, iron your hair 2-3 timer per week. #9 You Are Ironing Your Hair The Wrong Way Yes, there is the right and the wrong way. The wrong way it is when you use too many strokes on one piece of hair, instead slowly but one time straighten the one piece of hair and then go for another. #10 You Don’t Use Conditioner See #1

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