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Got Dandruff?

It’s easy to spot – the white, oily looking flakes of dead skin that dot your hair and shoulders and contribute to an itchy scalp. It’s a common scalp condition that plagues teens, adults and worsens during the fall and winter, which is right around the corner. It’s an embarrassing look – but the good news is that dandruff usually can be controlled. According to Mayo Clinic, “Mild cases of dandruff may need nothing more than daily shampooing with a gentle cleanser. More stubborn cases on dandruff often respond to medicated shampoos.” There are lots of great shampoos out there to help control dandruff. Most professional or salon brands carry an anti-dandruff shampoo and are usually better than using an over-the-counter drugstore shampoo. Here are a few recommendations:

  • AG - Control Anti-Dandruff (This mild yet highly effective treatment shampoo is the most powerful anti-dandruff shampoo available without a prescription. Containing twice the active anti-dandruff ingredients, and none of the tar of other dandruff shampoos, Control’s concentrated formula eliminates dry, itchy scalp quickly, and leaves hair healthy and smelling wonderful.)

  • Kenra - Dandruff Shampoo

  • Matrix Biolage - Antidandruff Shampoo

  • Paul Mitchell - Tea Tree Special Shampoo

Sometimes what you think is dandruff might just be product build up and something as simple as shampooing your hair more often might resolve the issue. If you are still scratching your head after several weeks of dandruff shampoos, or if your scalp becomes red or swollen, then you need to see a doctor or dermatologist. With dandruff affecting such a large amount of people, AG Hair and MODERN Salon gathered together these need-to-know tips about dandruff: #1: 1 in 3 people suffer from dandruff, more commonly in men. #2: Why men? Men have larger oil producing glands on their scalp and testosterone increases sebum (oil) production. #3: Dry skin does not cause dandruff. Dandruff is caused by yeast that feeds on excess sebum (oil) which increases the rate of natural skin shedding. #4. Dandruff affects people of all ages. #5. A type of dandruff can affect babies – it’s commonly called cradle cap. This can cause a scaly, crusty scalp and can occur anytime during infancy. According to Mayo Clinic, “Although it’s alarming for parents, cradle cap isn’t dangerous and usually clears up on its own by the time a baby is 3-years-old.”

#6. UV rays counteract the effects of dandruff-causing yeast-making it more prominent in winter and early spring. #7. Leaving anti-dandruff treatment shampoo on for at least 3 minutes is proven to be most effective. #8. Dandruff is NOT contagious. #9 According to Mayo Clinic, “for reasons that aren’t clear, adults with neurological diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease, are more likely to develop seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff. So are people with HIV infection and those recovering from stressful conditions, particularly heart attack and stroke, and those with compromised immune systems. #10. A poor diet can contribute to dandruff. If your diet lacks foods high in zinc, B vitamins or certain types of fats, you may be more likely to develop dandruff.

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